

Education for everyone

Children from developing countries struggle even more, nowadays, because of cuts to the international education funding. Due to the increased pressure and need of funding for the refugee crisis, funding has been cut in different places. One of the most affected areas, is education. Sadly, in 2010 the international education budget was 4% higher than it …

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The role of education in the campaigns

The YouGov survey had found that one of the main concerns about yesterday’s elections was the relevance of education as a topic in the parties’ campaigns. 43% of parents asked stated that they were more likely to vote for the party who promises to tackle financial gaps in the education systems first and best. They …

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Crowdfunding for schools

After the all the cuts that have been affecting the school system in the past years, parents are desperate enough to turn to crowdfunding platforms to collect money for basic school needs. These include whiteboards and other standard inventory for classrooms. The National Audit office states that the education system is not protected from further …

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Education within the election campaigns

Education remains one of the most important topics for many families in the UK. Baring that in mind parties use the education topic to foster their campaigns. By promising to increase the budget spent on schools and teachers, politicians try to gain votes for their campaigns. Summed up, the Conservatives promise an increase of 4 billion pounds by …

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Change through election?

In the past seven years, funding for the education system has decreased progressively. The labour party  is taking up this concern of many parents and teachers and holds it against the Conservative government. They promise to increase corporation tax from 19% to 26% by 2021/22 in order to give the education system an extra boost …

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Northern Ireland schools face further cuts

In case the Stormont parties do not reach an agreement, schools in Northern Ireland dread further cuts to the alright tightly squeezed education system. A 2.5% cut would mean a loss of 50 million pounds for the education system. The money that would be missing would mainly affect school staff and school transport. Since it …

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