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Online Tutor Prices & Enrollment

Online Tuition in English and Maths are held in small groups of 1:3 from 1 hour 15 minutes. Key Stage 1 and 2 students are allocated to either 7+ 11+ or SATs group, Key Stage 3 to 13+ and Key stage 4 students are in the online GCSE group. Children are assigned to an assessment before enrolling at the Academy. A consultation then takes places between the Tutor Manager and Parent/s about the best course based on the test results. 

Any Parent seeking extra tutor support in the day to day learning, such as homework or personalised guidance on attainment targets, may obtain Thy’s online 1:1 private tuition services.

Group Age National Curriculum/ISEB
7+ 11+ or SATs Age 4 to 11 EY, Key Stage 1 and 2
13+ Age 11 to 13 Key Stage 3
GCSE Age 14 to 16 Key Stage 4

Parents often ask us, “when is the best time for my child to join?”

We believe, truthfully, it is never too late nor too early to develop learning. Providing children with the support now, rather than procrastinating, encourages discipline and the time necessary to build on confidence. Application of knowledge is a skill. Thy English Academy understand how children learn. Our teachers work towards getting the best out of our students and are a team with like-minded parents.

Buy from our online shop and find the full range of bespoke services and products including 11+ courses.

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